NGC 7023 - The Iris Nebula
  • Details
    Date Taken: 08/28/2014
    Location: Golden State Star Party near Adin, CA
    Telescope: Orion ED102T CF f/7 Refractor (#9530)
    Mount: Orion Sirius EQ-G (#24338)
    Camera: Orion Parsec 8300M (#52077)
    Processing: MaxIm DL 5 and Photoshop CS4
    Exposure: 9 x 12 min Luminance, 4 x 12 min RGB 2x2
    Other Equipment Used: Orion Nautilus 4 x 2?, Orion StarShoot AutoGuider (#52064), with a 100mm f/6 as a guide scope
    Notes: RGB was processed separately from the luminance channel to preserve detail
  • Photographer
    Orion Staff